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Falmouth Sea Shanty Festival

from 14th - 16th June 2024

The largest free maritime music festival on the planet! Shanty bands and singers from across the UK and Europe converge on Falmouth, bringing a wonderfully diverse range of shanties performed on stages throughout the town. The festival raises funds for the RNLI.

Falmouth has a proud and long history as a first safe port of call for deepwater sailing ships. It was here that sailors filled our waterside alehouses with their songs and it is here that those shanties and stories are kept alive to this day.

Book a table today and enjoy the sun, sea, atmosphere, and music at the Shanty Festival in Falmouth!

Find out more

Sea Shanty Festival Website
Falmouth Sea Shanty Festival
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Book a Table

To book a table call our Reservations team on 0800 0052244 or book online below.